Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hallmark Moment

Well, birthday part 1 has been a success.  Mimi has to work this morning, but she found a birthday card, a fresh pot of coffee (of course), and special 21st birthday cup with chocolate eclair desert in it in the fridge.  Given the tears and hug before she left, I think she found it all :).

Oh, but the card, I do love it, so I thought I'd share.

Having you to love is reason enough
to celebrate...
but now that it's your birthday,
there's all the more reason.
I could wish you
all kinds of happy things... 
 and you'd deserve them all...
 but since you're so special,
 I want to wish you 
all the happiness you've given me. 
You're a very warm and caring person, 
 and you've made
 such a difference in my life.
No matter where we go
or what we do,
you're the one
who makes those times wonderful.
That's why I hope
your birthday celebration
is especially wonderful for you...

After all, your birthday
only happens once a year... 
 and someone like you
 only happens
 once in a lifetime.
                            -Kay Andrew
Get it, Hallmark.

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