Friday, June 8, 2012

The Best Start to Another Year

Without a doubt, this has been the best birthday I've had in an incredibly long time.  I have never had anyone put so much care and detail into planning my birthday and it was fantastic. In fact, for the last several days, I have struggled with not having enough people I can tell how awesome my birthday was.  Because it was awesome.  So you all get to read about it. Yay, you :)

First, I woke up with white chocolate banana pancakes- my favorite :)- and a bottle of Starbuck's sugar free hazelnut syrup (my favorite.).  It's pitiful, but I loved playing barista again!

 And then we headed to Vintage Wine Fest 2012, which was incredible.  I baked, by the way, way sunburned, but it was a ton of fun.  If the wine fest comes around again next year, you should go.  You pay $22, get a tasting glass, and then walk around to a few dozen wineries and sample some 200-kinds of wine, eat some kettle corn, you know, the fair/festival deal. It was great!

Then it was back to the apartment to cool down and then surprise reservations at the Melting Pot. I hadn't been before, but all I can say is cheesy, chocolatey, gooey goodness- from start to finish!

the Melting Pot
When I was in school, my roommates and I turned Psych (from USA) into a tradition.  Nearly every Wednesday we set aside the hour, had people over, made snacks, and paused from school and stress and life to watch Psych. I love it. It's still one of my favorite shows- and it reminds me of my friends (especially the ones who are now far away.)  Anyway, all of that is to say that Mimi was not around for that the first time around, but... she bought me the seasons.  All of them :). So now she's in.  Seriously, an awesome present :)

Anyway, there's so much more to talk about. A Sunday full of relaxing, watching Psych, and sipping wine.  Flowers delivered to work on Monday, dinner with my best friends... The long and the short of it is, it was an incredible birthday.  Every day and every detail was thought out and made for me and... it was amazing :).   I don't know that I've ever had someone think through my birthday so completely.  And I feel really, really loved.

I'm a year older, and the way it's going so far... I think this could be the best year yet :).  I can't wait.

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