Monday, April 2, 2012

Trademarks of a Lesbian Household

So I was looking around our apartment the other day, and realized that we probably have some distinctly lesbian themes and I never thought about it...

So for a twist on the classic "You Know You're a Redneck", we proudly introduce: You Know It's a Lesbian House If....

  1. You have hundreds of hair ties and tampons....somewhere... but you can't find a single one of either.
  2. Instead of discarding old shoes, you now put them in their own pile and designate them "spider-killing-shoes."
  3. Someone cries, at least once every other day-- not necessarily because their sad, or  angry, but because there's so much estrogen floating around, people just cry spontaneously.  
  4. All 7 seasons of Golden Girls are sitting on the shelf (to be fair this could be applied to a gay household as well.)
  5. There are shoes everywhere. Not just a few shoes, not some shoes, so many shoes, and everywhere.
  6. Your primary criteria for a new home is the closet space.
  7. Your coffee table is compiled of a conflicting mix of feminist and chauvinistic magazines (hey, if Kaley Cuoco is on the cover, it's worth buying...)
  8. You have at least a dozen movies no (straight) person has ever heard of.
  9. Most of what comes into or out of the apartment is packaged in Trader Joe's or Whole Foods Bags.
  10. You can't wait to be wrapped in the arms of the woman you love :-)
Happy Monday everybody!

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