Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I think I was blind

On my second date with Mimi, I made her dinner and she brought me a mixed CD. Yep, a mixed CD. I've only been made one other mixed CD by a suitor and this is the only one I accepted ;-).  The thing about me with music is I like it, I really do, but I'm not passionate about it, I'm not going to seek it out.  If I hear something I like I can fall head over heels in love with it, tears streaking down my face, the whole bit, but for whatever reason I don't generally go seeking out new music.  Mimi does.  I've hung out with a whole lot of different kinds of music geeks, but she might beat them all.  When the right song is on her whole demeanor changes.  Her body tenses as she waits to hear where the song will take her and then she practically explodes as it takes her through the song- only halfway through of course, because halfway through she's perched on the edge of her seat, biting her bottom lip, looking for the next song- and she tenses up again.  It's adorable. And infuriating, actually. Truly infuriating. I don't consider myself self-centered, but by the 3rd song in my nose flares like that of a petulant child- because clearly she's paying more attention to the music then to me, and that is simply not acceptable. But it's a hard sell because I have to say I am never more in love with her or more infuriated by her then when she's bouncing from song to song to song to song.... (you get the idea.)

But back to the mixed CD.  On our second date, only a couple of weeks into us talking, she made me a mixed CD.  The CD was full of songs that were fun to listen to, some I'd heard before.  A whole lot I hadn't.  But hidden not too far into that CD- 6 tracks to be exact- was The First Day of My Life, by Bright Eyes.  I found out later that it's the track her friends almost talked her out of putting on there, but it was absolutely the track that made me fall in love with her- or at least willing to fall in love with her.  I was pretty beat up and bruised from my last bout with love, but the song... well, you should all follow the link if you haven't heard it before because it's incredible.  It'll make you fall in love.

A few Sundays ago I made a little addition to my person because I felt like I had to. It was too true to not want to capture the sentiment forever... I hope you like it :)

Courtesy of Voluta

Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Adventures: Part I

(Please consider this post from last Sunday... we have been internet-less until yesterday, so I'm way behind.  Sorry!)

I may have mentioned before (on Twitter, if not here) that I’m essentially 67 years old.  Mimi’s not quite as old as I am.  Together we probably average out to a content 55 year old couple.  We drink red wine. We go to bed by 10:30.  And our normal night time line up involves some combination of Golden Girls and Everybody Loves Raymond.  Anyway… it means we have very many completely content nights, but we run the risk of letting our dating life become stale.  To avoid this tragic fate (our technical age, after all, is half our functional age… ), we have committed to doing new things.  So each month, we are going to do one completely new thing (not necessarily something we’ve never done before, but something we’ve never done together), and eat somewhere new (we are, after all, in the midst of many, many great restaurants/pubs/so on and we have yet to discover nearly enough of them!).

For April, we’re already two for two.  Over Easter, we went target shooting… yes, shooting.  If you don’t know me, that probably doesn’t sound nearly as alarming as it really is—I shot a gun.  Quite a few times.  100% Democrat; 67% Pacifist; 100% terrified of guns, me, went shooting.  Eek! I was trying to lose some of my fear of guns… I’m not so sure it worked.  I could shoot the 22 I was given without too much issue, but each time I heard any of the guns around me go off I jumped, and when my uncle convinced me I really did want to shoot the glock he was using—I nearly cried.  My whole body jerked with each shot (major kick on that thing) and you could practically feel the fire coming out of it.  Mimi on the other hand looked like she’d found her calling.  (Seriously… I was a little terrified!) BUT that’s hardly the point.  We did something totally new, and to be frank, something I was terrified of, and it was great!  We can call April a success.  As for May… we’ll keep you posted!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Trademarks of a Lesbian Household

So I was looking around our apartment the other day, and realized that we probably have some distinctly lesbian themes and I never thought about it...

So for a twist on the classic "You Know You're a Redneck", we proudly introduce: You Know It's a Lesbian House If....

  1. You have hundreds of hair ties and tampons....somewhere... but you can't find a single one of either.
  2. Instead of discarding old shoes, you now put them in their own pile and designate them "spider-killing-shoes."
  3. Someone cries, at least once every other day-- not necessarily because their sad, or  angry, but because there's so much estrogen floating around, people just cry spontaneously.  
  4. All 7 seasons of Golden Girls are sitting on the shelf (to be fair this could be applied to a gay household as well.)
  5. There are shoes everywhere. Not just a few shoes, not some shoes, so many shoes, and everywhere.
  6. Your primary criteria for a new home is the closet space.
  7. Your coffee table is compiled of a conflicting mix of feminist and chauvinistic magazines (hey, if Kaley Cuoco is on the cover, it's worth buying...)
  8. You have at least a dozen movies no (straight) person has ever heard of.
  9. Most of what comes into or out of the apartment is packaged in Trader Joe's or Whole Foods Bags.
  10. You can't wait to be wrapped in the arms of the woman you love :-)
Happy Monday everybody!