Wednesday, February 1, 2012

To Whom It Should Concern-- Responses

The first, and possibly only response, came through this morning from Dr. Marie Morris.  Personally, I really appreciated it.  I'm still trying to evaluate how/if I should respond.  But her response echos the kind of respect that I have hoped for all along:

Dear ----,

It was with sadness and disappointment that I read your letter describing the negative reception you received while recently on campus.  Regardless of whether you were holding hands with your girlfriend as you walked through the Haven, the student responses you described were clearly not reflective of the values we wish to foster (servant leadership, integrity, excellence, responsibility, and generosity).  You and your friend did not experience a generosity of spirit or hospitality and for that I am sorry.

As you articulated in your letter there will always be points of disagreement given our cultural understandings, our individual interpretations of Scripture, the way we were brought up, etc.  However, God’s love and salvation are for all.  Jesus so powerfully illustrated this over and over again in his life on this earth.

The young adult years are an intense time of exploration, learning, and growth.  My hope is that one day the students that displayed these hurtful responses toward you and your friend will understand that this was inappropriate and immature.  And, my commitment is, that we will be a campus that can agree and disagree in love where our Christian humility allows us to extend to one another a generosity of spirit.  I do believe it is possible for us as a Church of God school to yield to the current official position of the church on certain life matters and still be respectful of differences and share the love of Christ to one another.  Again, I regret that such was not your experience.

Thank you for taking the time to write to our leadership team.  Your effort to share this painful experience tells me that you do indeed care deeply about your alma mater and that you understand the value of communication in fostering growth.

I wish you God’s richest blessings as you make your way in this world.  Please keep in touch and let us know from time to time how you are doing. If you would like to have further conversation, please do not hesitate to call me.


Dr. Marie S. Morris

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