Sunday, January 29, 2012

Righteous Condemnation

For the most part, Mimi and I don't place too much stock in other's dissenting opinions.  It doesn't happen all the time, but if we're holding hands we get stares when we're shopping, or walking, or whichever.  Normally people don't say anything-- you can just feel looks of confusion, or the occasional look of thinly-veiled disgust.  But that's just the life.  Other people don't have to be happy about us, we're happy, and that's more than good enough.

And for the most part, we don't run into a lot of problems.  All of our mutual friends love us (obviously), so it's not an issue.  My coworkers could care less, Mimi has even attended several work events with me.  My family knows and loves her, and it's very easy to fall into this world where it feels like it we're not any different than anyone else.

And then I go back to places like Anderson University, and the world feels a little more narrow.  Anderson University is a Church of God school.  Included in the schools "lifestyle agreement" (which must be signed by all students) is a clause that says same-sex relationships are not allowed or appropriate. (I believe the last time the Church of God reviewed the spiritual validity of same-sex relationships was 1993.  The 1993 statute stands that homosexuals shouldn't be rejected, but also should not be encouraged or given any position of power or leadership in the church.  Anyway...)  

The first time Mimi and I walked through the cafe holding hands we felt forty or so people turn and stare.  Angry, angry stares.  Someone grabbed out and touched Mimi to say something-- nothing offensive, I don't think, just something, to touch one of "the lesbians."  I pulled her away and we kept going.  But when we came back, they were ready.  And I don't know what it is, but I found it hard to shake off the yelling judgement of a half dozen loud-mouth athletes, and a staring crowd.  They didn't say anything original.  Something about body parts I don't think it's appropriate to mention on the internet, and our faces, and let's just say it was offensive, ignorant, and rude.  My (straight) friend told them as much, and we just kept walking.

But it's the next morning and I still haven't shaken it off.  What I wonder, in all their Christ-empowered condemnation do they think Christ would approve of? Even if (and I do not believe as much) the God who created every living thing, myself and my love included, wasn't pleased with my choice of relationship, do you think he would should sexual insults at me as I passed? I happened to go to that school.  I graduated having taken many of the same classes those jerks are in now.  And though Anderson University taught me things I didn't necessarily agree with, they never taught me to expect a God like that-- and yet there the cool guys sit, trying to grab a hold of me or my girlfriend, excited for the show.

Not too long ago, interracial relationships were against the rules at that same school-- unequally yoked and what not.  Now any current student looks back on those times with disgust.  I look forward to the day when the same-sex relationship rule is regarded as the same-- outdated and ridiculous.  And we can look back on yelling jerks in the cafeteria with judgment, not me and Mimi, who just want to walk with our hands bound together.


  1. Seriously? Seriously? You know, I have some days where I just give up on large sections of AU, and I have days where I think it's not so bad, and everyone really is lovely at heart. But today, today is pretty much straightforward anger. "Christians" who have redefined Christ in their own image, and people who don't know how to be human...For what it's worth, as I am affiliated with these students, I want to apologize on their behalf. Perhaps someday they'll figure it out...

    1. Aw, thank you Kelsey. I feel very much the same-- but people like you definitely make it all more hopeful. There are complete dirt bags running around, but there are really good people too. :).

      And you may be part of that student body, but you would never be confused with those kinds of people. Never. Thanks, Kelsey.

  2. How the hell did I not have this pop up on my news feed??? Kelsey told me so I wanted to read I wish I hadn't...quite frankly I'm furious about this. And...of knee jerk is to ask "who was it?" In a way to confront anyone who would persecute someone in the name of God. But frankly regardless of what they said, simply by walking through that crowd you demonstrated love and a love that requires more bravery than most will ever experience and I'm proud of you for loving out loud. And...because its me, I'll add that you can feel free to call me if you visit again and I'll gladly stand with you anywhere on campus...not like physically stand, I mean we could sit,...well
    ıyou know what I mean. Anyway I'm embarrassed for our campus and the Christian community as a whole that you were treated that way.
